Boxed Cat Creations

Boxed Cat Creations TOS

☒ You must be 18+ to commission.☒ Someone over 18 may commission for a minor. ID will need to be provided☒ Payments can be made through Paypal and Cashapp.☒ Payment plans will only be accepted for commissions of $200+.☒ The first 50% of payment is non refundable, this is used to order materials.☒ However if supplies is not ordered, it is possible to get a partial refund depending on how much work has been put in.☒ Your suit may be started once supplies arrive, but nothing will be shipped until it is completely paid off.☒ I work in order of queue.☒ I do not take rush orders or deadlines.☒ These terms of services are subject to change at anytime


☒ Headshots:
$10 +7 per extra character
☒ Halfbody:
$15 +10 per extra character
☒ Fullbody:
$20 +15 per extra character
☒ Character design:
$25+ depending on complexity.
Examples can be seen hereArt progress can be seen here